Phobos: Anomaly Reborn is a 9 map (8 normal, 1 secret) Doom I wad, taking place after the Hell invasion of earth in Doom II. The story goes that our protagonist from the first two games has been tasked with reconning yet another phobos base due to loss of communications and mangled corpses being found on site. He gets grounded as hes flying over the base, thus our adventure begins. The combat is very challenging for a Doom I wad, so much so that towards the end of the wad (with the exception of the last two levels), it almost felt as if I was playing a prototype slaughter wad. The visuals though...this wad came out in 2003 and the visuals that Chris Lutz and the Chaos Crew have pulled off easily rival modern wads, as well as technical innovations. Theres fans that you can see whirl, a mounted cannon you use to blow open a door. theres even a fucking MOVING TRAIN LEVEL, ala blood. for 2003, thats actually insane. i would recommend eiher playing it on a difficulty lower than UV if youre a new doomer, or if youre an old hand, test your mettle on UV. very enjoyable, easily one of the best wads ive played. according to the wads readme, theres also an optional level set called "subpar", but the author recommends skipping those as they are not nearly as good as the main levels. in any case, selecting them in the source port i used on the episode select screen simply open Doom I Episode II, so I had to forgo them.Fun Fact: This wad is in Doomworlds top 100 wads of all time!

WAD: PAR.wad + PAR.deh
Author: Chris Lutz + Chaos Crew
Link: PAR.wad
Mods Used In PlayThrough: None.
SourcePort Used: DoomRetro 5.3
Rating: 10/10

Map 02: Toxin Refinery
Map 02: Toxin Refinery
Map 03: DissolutionMap 03: Dissolution
Map 03: Dissolution
Map 04: RainbenderMap 04: Rainbender
Map 04: RailBender, aka the "fucking moving train"
Map 06: Subterra
Map 06: Subterra
Map 07: The BeneathMap 07: The Beneath
Map 07: The Beneath